When you travel, you’re likely to spend a lot of money on food if you plan on eating out for every meal. But since most hotels provide at least some kind of way to make food or store food, like a chiller and its accessories, there are ways that you can make your own food even if you don’t have a full kitchen at your disposal.
To help you see how you can make the most of the few kitchen items you do have while traveling, here are three tips for using your hotel kitchen space and appliances to eat well while on the road.
Use Your Coffee Pot For More Than Just Coffee
In most hotel rooms, one of the most basic appliances that are included is a coffee maker. And with a coffee pot or coffee maker, you can make a lot more than just coffee.
Depending on what you brought with you or what ingredients you bought at a store, you can make quite a few different things using just your coffee pot. Anything that needs to be steamed or rehydrated can usually be made in a coffee pot or coffee maker. Things like rice, quinoa, soup, and more can all be made using a coffee pot. So if you don’t feel like going out for lunch, you don’t have to.
Learn How To Cook Using A Microwave
Many hotel rooms also have a microwave. If you’re gifted with this appliance, your cooking possibilities just multiplied exponentially. Especially if you also have a refrigerator, you can now reheat anything that you pick up to eat and then bring home the leftovers of.
Additionally, you can cook a lot of fresh food in a microwave as well. All you have to do is know how to use the settings and times to your advantage. For example, you can cook macaroni and cheese, eggs, and more all using only your microwave.
Pick Up Additional Appliances When You Get There
If you get to your hotel and you find that there aren’t any kind of kitchen appliances, you can alway ask the hotel management if you can have access to any appliances that they might have for any type of breakfast they might offer to guests.
If this isn’t a possibility, you may want to pick up some additional appliances when you get there. If the area you’re staying in has a secondhand or thrift store, you can likely find quite a few appliances for just a few dollars. This way, you can use them for the duration of your trip and then donate them back to the same organization before you leave.
If you’re wanting to cook some of your own meals while staying in a hotel, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you make the most of the kitchen and accessories you have.