Buying the cheapest fuel is the easiest way you can cut fuel costs. But there are other things you can certainly do to get the most mileage out of your tank.
Get periodic maintenance and checkups
To avoid hiccups on the road and ensure your car’s roadworthiness, make sure to get your car serviced on time to maintain its engine efficiency. You will save fuel this ways unless you intend to use an electric car that is guaranteed to run with no fuel needed.
Watch the aerodynamics
Wind resistance is sure to increase your fuel consumption. So, make sure you keep your windows closed when driving at high speeds and ditch the roof racks when not in use. Getting rid of the roof rack and cargo carrier can help you save a lot of fuel.
Slow down your driving
Dropping your speed from 80 mph to 70 mph can help you save more on fuel, by 25%. If you find yourself on smaller roads, try to slow down to help save you more on fuel.
Keep tabs on your driving
Stop accelerating hard, braking hard, accelerating hard again, and then braking for the next speed bump. This kind of driving will use up a lot of fuel. So, try to drive along at a steady speed instead.
Practise sensible driving
Make it a practice to drive sensibly. Read the road ahead of you. Anticipate the actions of other drivers as well as any potential road hazards. The less braking and accelerating you do, the less fuel consumed. You can, for instance, drive slowly in heavy traffic, and do not drive fast to catch up only to brake hard later on.
Don’t rev when not necessary
Never allow your revs to reach 3,000 per minute before you change gear. It is more efficient to change gear at 2,500 if you use petrol and 2,000 if you have a diesel engine. You can also use high gears like fifth and sixth gears.
Keep your tyres properly inflated
Well-maintained tyres are vital for safe and fuel-efficient driving. So, check your tyre pressure on a regular basis. An adequately inflated tyre can improve fuel consumption by 2%.
Reduce the weight inside your car
The lighter your vehicle, the less fuel it will consume, so do not drive around with unnecessary stuff in your boot, except if you are on a road trip.
Drive al fresco
Air-conditioning uses fuel, especially at very low speeds. If it is a sweltering day, use the air conditioning for high-speed drives, but you can always drive al fresco around town to save on fuel.
Change your car
Obviously, when your vehicle is starting to cost you more than you expected, it is time to ditch the car altogether and/or reduce your vehicle use. You can carpool with friends, walk, cycle, or use public transport for short trips.
Decide whether or not you really need a car, and make sure you know exactly how much various cars cost to run.
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