What is the one thing that makes you happy? For me it’s helping random people and seeing a smile on their face. Every person has their own reason behind their happiness but sometimes, you need to dig a little deeper to identify that change in yourself that has the power to make you happy.
The “Happiness Project” is a toolbox designed by Gretchen Rubin that focuses on boosting happiness. Is that even possible? Yes, anything is possible if you believe in yourself and are dedicated to changing your life for the better. The Happiness Project Toolbox offers you eight tools that you need to master, in order to achieve peace and the path to empowerment.
Following are those eight tools explained and how to use them:
1. Personal Commandments
Personal commandments are vital in guiding your life to the right path. What is it that you value the most? Make a list and write your overachieving principals. Now, pick one and commit yourself to it. Set rules that you can follow and with time, push yourself to see your strength.
2. Create an Inspiration Board
Who inspires you? Your mother, father, a celebrity, a school teacher or someone else? It doesn’t even need to be a person; it can be a thing too like photographs, books or paintings. Use your idol and make an inspiration board with items that move you. For me it’s negative art. There’s just something about the empty white spaces that soothe me and allows me to think.
3. Resolutions
My resolutions revolve around entertainment. At least once a week, I rent movies and binge watch series. Resolutions are not just about improving yourself but also a way to score yourself on concrete evidence that you are taking steps towards your happiness.
4. Group Resolution
Everything seems brighter and better when you have a friend by your side. Email your friends to become a part of your resolution. My group resolution of bringing happiness to the elderly by volunteering in old age home include five people who constantly encouraged me on my cause and helped me stay on track.
5. Lists
Wish list, to-do list, favorite things list, etc. boost your efficiency. They make you more productive and allow you to see the world in a new light. You appreciate things and people around you more. My list on ‘things to do before I die’ helped me live a more adventurous life and experience things that made me happy.
6. One-Sentence Journal
The purpose of one-sentence journal is to note down important moments in your life. Don’t elaborate on the occasion; just jot it down in one sentence with date and time. The exact moment will help you recall them vividly, which will bring a smile on your face. My journal is mostly about the milestones my son has achieved because he’s the center of my universe.
7. Secrets of Adulthood
Share something with friends or random people an experience that made you happy. What are the hard times you faced in life? How did you overcome them? Share them openly and spread the wisdom.
8. Happiness Hacks
What are your shortcuts to your happiness? Share them with others and encourage them to share theirs publically. It can be as simple as eating outside or hanging out with your mom.
Happiness knows no rules and the more you spread it, the more you will experience it yourself. The short burst of sunshine you feel in your heart when you do something unexpected, is called your happiness that has the power to change your future and faith.