Although you may want to limit your correspondence with the IRS as much as possible, you should notify them whenever you change your address. By alerting the IRS of your address change, you make sure you stay organized and get all important letters and documents relating to your business and taxes. A simple checklist is a great tool to make sure you have everything. This may include refunds or a notice of owed taxes. The IRS may require a quick response and if documents aren’t sent to your current address, you could be penalized even if you don’t actually receive the notice. Here’s a guide to updating your address with the IRS.
Filing Form 8822
The most effective way to promptly notify the IRS of a new address is by completing a Change of Address Form, called Form 8822. You’ll need to send it to the address specified on the form. You can obtain this form online.
Writing the IRS
You may also send a letter to inform them of a change in your address. If you do this, you’ll need to give the IRS your full name, previous and current address, Social Security number or EIN, and your signature. If you don’t have an EIN and you’re wondering how to get a tax ID number in SC, you can easily apply online with IRS-EIN-Tax-ID Filing Service. After you obtain your tax ID, you can quickly verify your EIN number at any time with them too.
Filing Your Tax Return
If you move to a new address before you file your tax return, you can simply include your new address on your return. When the IRS processes your return, their records will be updated. However, to ensure you receive all correspondence from IRS, it’s a good idea to file Form 8822 as soon as possible just to be safe.
If you have questions about receiving correspondence from the IRS about your tax ID, contact the experts at IRS EIN Tax ID Filing Service.