If you’re interested in learning how to run a small business whilst traveling the world, simply continue reading to discover 5 handy trips, which will make travelling whilst running a business, a breeze.
1. When abroad, ensure constant cash flow by investing in debt collection
In order to ensure that your cash flow remains green whilst you’re traveling, it’s well worth paying for a professional debt collection service to chase your debtors. Debt collectors in Sydney can help you with this. As your business may require the funds which you are is owed, in order to ensure that your staff are paid and that your business has the capital to operate efficiently, whilst you’re away travelling the world. You can also look into debt collection in Melbourne. This is not a task you will want to take on yourself even if you weren’t having the time of your life traveling the world.
2. Create a thorough schedule that will help you to overcome shifting time zones
In order to avoid being feeling jet-lagged, it’s highly advisable to create a schedule while managing your business while travelling as it will help you adjust to each time zone you enter. As an example, when you arrive at a new destination, don’t plan to go to sleep until it’s dark. As the quicker you throw yourself into the local time zone, the less your body will be affected by jetlag. If you normally work out in the mornings, it’s also worth following your morning routine, whilst you’re overseas. Which shouldn’t be difficult as most hotels and resorts boast well equipped modern gyms.
3. Make sure that your accommodation offers free high-speed Wi-Fi
If you plan on conducting video conference calls, whilst you’re travelling or foresee yourself sending regular emails from your work laptop, or perhaps need to make use of your favourite and best computer tools, it’s well worth choosing to stay at hotels which offer complimentary high-speed Wi-Fi. As you don’t want to miss out on signing a new business deal because your hotel offers a snail-paced internet connection, which causes your video call to freeze. Worse yet, some hotels charge guests for each hour or each GB of internet which they use. Which can quickly add up to several hundred dollars.
4. Choose to stay at hotels which boast convenient on-site business centres
It’s also well worth booking accommodation at hotels which boast an on-site business center. Most of which boast private work desks, laptops, tablets, printers, phones, charging stations and scanners. Better yet, most business centers also offer quiet, private spaces to conduct business calls and video calls. Which is handy as it’s far more professional to video call your clients, suppliers from an office environment, than from your hotel room.
5. Learn to travel with a carry on sized suitcase
If you travel frequently, it’s well worth limiting your luggage to a single carry on sized piece of luggage as you’ll be able to go straight to security, when you arrive at an airport and won’t have to worry about losing your luggage or having to wait for your suitcase at arrivals.
6. Join a variety of rewards programs
As a frequent traveler, if you remember to enter your membership details when you book your flights, hotel, and rental car, you’ll quickly begin to rack up enough points to redeem on freebies. Such as free hotel nights and free flights. As an added benefit, you may even get upgraded to business class for free. Or you may get upgraded to a more luxurious hotel room.
If you follow the five tips listed above, you’ll find that traveling whilst running a small business is a breeze.