Most people know the song “California Dreamin'” by The Mamas and the Papas. It goes on to say that during winter time, the place where you wish you could be is this state, where the sun seems to live. Although this is true, there are many people living there that also dream of other faraway lands. To a large number of them, Paris is that city where they wish they could be. Here is why.
For Its Culture
When you think of Paris, you necessarily associate the city to culture. This is where one of the most important museums is located (the Louvres) and the number of famous artworks that can be found in it and other museums around town are simply a wish come true for any art lover. They come in large numbers in a city like San Francisco, which harbours many art galleries. Collectors don’t hesitate to hop on a plane from SFO to Paris, just to visit one of these internationally renowned museums or to acquire a new piece in one of the Parisian galleries.
But French culture can’t be only explained by art. It also goes through its gastronomy. Someone who has never tasted French cuisine in one of the starred restaurants in France, can never understand just how deliciously complex a meal can taste. Italians and Spaniards may offer great cuisine through simplicity, but the art of cooking can only be fully attained in the French one.
A Different Way of Life
If Americans and French like each other so much, it is partly because they are so different. When you travel, you want to feel other sensations than if you were still at home. Although Los Angeles, Miami, New York and Chicago are totally different in so many ways, there are still common elements that reminds an American that he is still on its soil. When landing in Paris, people from the US west coast immediately sense “la diffĂ©rence” in the air. It starts with the architecture. Since Europe is much older than America, it can be quite surprising for someone from California to visit places that are many hundreds of years old. This long history is part of the reason why Paris is such a delight to them.
When you only watch Paris on TV and in the news, you create an image of the city in your mind. But it cannot be really understood unless you take one of the flights to Paris to see for yourself. Being a capital, Paris is often shown has a vibrant city, but it also has a much softer side. People around the world call it “la joie de vivre.” It can be seen on cafĂ© terraces, which is the way they often depicted in films. But once you see people sitting on the grass in parks around town during summer, you immediately grasp the concept that this expression depicts.
It wouldn’t be fair to conclude this article without mentioning that the State of California is certainly the closest one to the French way of life, in all of America. It is also because they recognize themselves in this European society that Californians can’t get enough of Paris.